
On-Yomi: エン

Koohii stories:

1) [Katsuo] 9-2-2007(46): Twenty birds (swallows) are perched at the north exit ( 北口 ) of the station. I light a fire underneath them, and as they wilt and fall in the heat, passing commuters swallow them whole. Well, they are swallows.

2) [mantixen] 31-7-2009(15): Twenty swallows are perched atop the station's 北口 raining droppings all over everyone. Keep your mouth closed so you don't swallow any. (Thanks Katsuo).

3) [Meconium] 9-3-2010(4): Stroke order: twenty, mouth, north, oven fire.

4) [herman] 2-1-2009(2): Twenty swallows at the north exit of the station. The bottom part is a pictograph of their tail feathers.

5) [Panta] 22-3-2013(1): Hint: Now is a good chance to learn the verb "to swallow" as well, which is simply a mouth to the left of the bird: 嚥.