
On-Yomi: ソク

Koohii stories:

1) [abaddon] 24-5-2008(43): Fire, voiced - water: After the incident where the insect made a pitiful voiced sound, you decide to free it. Immediately it is attracted to the candlelight and flies into the fire. Bugger!

2) [cameron_en] 21-11-2008(6): You were watching the poor insect bound up voicing "Help me! Help me!" (voiced (#835 濁)), so you answered his calls for help by using a candlelight to set the evil spider on fire.

3) [n1williams] 23-12-2009(4): Drawn to the CANDLELIGHT by the allure of the FIRE, the moth momentarily VOICED it's demise because there wasn't any water to put it out.

4) [Megaqwerty] 25-6-2007(2): In order to get that insect out of your throat (continuing from voiced (#835 濁), you use the fire of a candlelight to scare the bugger.

5) [Katsuo] 2-4-2009(1): I go round with a candle(light) setting fire to all the spiders. (Notes: 1. Let right side = "spider" because a spider makes a net to bind up insects; 2. net = 罒 horizontal eye).