

Koohii stories:

1) [herman] 19-1-2009(26): When she's playing the lute between your two balls Japanese censors mosaic it out.

2) [abaddon] 8-6-2008(12): Two kings, mosaic: The contest of the two kings continued, but now they were to play the lute. However, their lute playing was so bad, the precious mosaics fell down the walls.. and were looted by the crowd.

3) [kumakuma] 19-1-2009(3): The lute is a good name for the thing between your TWO JEWELS, which is often behind a pixel MOSAIC on film.

4) [dihutenosa] 15-8-2008(3): The ancient tradition of producing lutes has been lost, but fortunately there's now a new lute synthesizer out. It's a Rubik's Cube made out of two colors of gems. You rotate the blocks to make different sounds. This may sound difficult, but hey, if you think about how hard it was to play the actual ancient lute itself, it's actually not bad at all.

5) [kapalama] 16-10-2010(2): 琵琶湖 , 琵琶市 , lute (#2913 琶) わ … Parts: ( 琵−比 ) , 巴 .. (cf 琴 harp (#1591 琴), 琵 biwa (#2912 琵)) … Note :This is only used for the 2nd kanji for Biwa, and place names like Lake Biwa. Double King is a Harp Primitive of sorts, it seems … Story:You want me to remember a kanji for Lute? Wha'??? (reading). 2nd character for Biwa, not lute, aka it is the Fertilizer ( 巴 ) end of Biwa.