
On-Yomi: ガイ

Koohii stories:

1) [ikmys] 5-7-2007(25): Those gremlins! At night break they insist on coming out and gluing stones all over the place. These obstacles make it nearly impossible for me to get to work!

2) [gavmck] 22-3-2010(6): You gain (#876 得) 得 when you make forward progress. If you encounter a rock, you cannot go forward. Perhaps you can go round. This is an obstacle.

3) [herman] 12-1-2009(4): The column of soldiers who were gaining on the enemy at nightbreak ran into an obstacle: huge stone in their way.

4) [blannk] 29-10-2009(3): The obstacle course in addition to the regular stones scattered about added a special obstacle at nightbreak: they poured glue all over the track.

5) [kapalama] 31-10-2010(2): 碍子 =がい子, 妨碍 =妨害, 障碍 =障害, obstacle (#2592 碍) ガイ (usu. 害 harm (#1551 害)) … Parts: 石 , 旦 , 寸 (cf 得る gain (#876 得)) … Story: Main use of this kanji (not replaced by 害 ) is for electrical insulators 碍子 , so: In Japan, the preponderance of bare wiring in old homes, has made for a program of Gluing Stones on the Floor as an Obstacle to electrical flow.