local god


Koohii stories:

1) [MeisterLlama] 29-11-2008(28): From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinto: Whenever a child is born in Japan, a local Shinto shrine adds the child's name to a list kept at the shrine and declares him or her a "family child" ( 氏子 ujiko?). After death an ujiko becomes a "family spirit", or "family kami" ( 氏神 ujigami?). Therefore, if your family name is inscribed in the altar, then you will become a local god.

2) [astridtops] 27-1-2007(18): The altar dedicated to this local god has the family names of all the villagers inscribed in it, so that the god knows whom he should favour.

3) [hissatsu] 12-11-2010(5): The local god's altar lists the family names of all those under his purview.

4) [Haych] 6-11-2012(1): The local god's a cool guy. We go to the altar to hang out. I used his family name and he told me that that's much too formal and I should just his first name.

5) [kapalama] 7-10-2011(1): 神祇事務局 , 神祇官 =かみづかさ=じんぎかん, 祇園祭 , local god (#2600 祇) ギ … Parts:礻, 氏 … Note: Often appears with the old full altar on the left. … Story: National gods, and 氏 gods, of course the local gods are the gods of local ruling Uji.