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On-Yomi: シン、ジン — Kun-Yomi: かみ、かん-、こう-
Koohii stories:
1) [Floatingweed5] 10-9-2007(108): The Gods are gathered around debating Zeus' latest purchase for Mount Olympus. A huge and extremely kitsch gilded altar in the shape of giant "speak no evil" monkey. Hera decides she will never let him go shopping alone again .
2) [dingomick] 30-12-2006(107): Hinduism has many gods, not just one God. One of the most famous of these gods is Hanuman the monkey. Many altars are dedicated to him.
3) [radical_tyro] 20-6-2007(55): Gods are monkeys who sit behind church altars.
4) [liosama] 5-1-2009(50): At the alter, you speaketh to the gods.
5) [samuize] 28-7-2007(24): God speaketh from behind the altar.