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On-Yomi: カ — Kun-Yomi: わざわい
Koohii stories:
1) [akrodha] 16-3-2007(157): Continued from auspicious (#1088 祥). Once a year, the people pray for a sign from the gods. But if the gods are feeling particularly mischievous, they'll send down a jawbone to the altar. The people see this as a sign of calamity to come. The gods think of it as an amusing prank.
2) [Rivvie] 4-6-2008(71): Truely a calamity for an undead wedding, just as he may kiss the bride at the altar, he loses his jawbone.
3) [Rooboy] 30-3-2009(42): Bit of a calamity at the wedding. The bride tripped and broke her jawbone on the altar. Funniest home vids here we come.
4) [Nukemarine] 6-12-2007(19): Well, for Jawbone I think of Samson and his JAWBONE of an ass. So, Samson caused great CALAMITY at the Philistine ALTAR when he attack the priesthood with that JAWBONE of an ass.
5) [gopineapples] 1-7-2009(10): The pope fell at the ALTAR and smashed his JAWBONE. Wine and blood everywhere. What a calamity!