Chinese panpipe

On-Yomi: ショウ

Koohii stories:

1) [cameron_en] 25-11-2008(33): The Chinese panpipe is an old musical instrument made of bamboo. People practiced the Chinese panpipe their whole life just so that they could play for the emperor, often a bad performance would have the emperor take their life away from them.

2) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(5): The Chinese panpipe is made by using different sized cells of bamboo.

3) [blannk] 25-1-2010(4): Both my 笛 flute (#1111 笛) and my Chinese panpipe are made of bamboo. The former produces Brussels sprouts, the latter 生ビール .

4) [Megaqwerty] 22-6-2007(4): Pan plays a Chinese panpipe, fashioned of bamboo, to instill life within the people.

5) [kapalama] 22-10-2010(1): 笙歌 , 笙奏者 , 鳳笙演奏 , 心笙米 , Chinese panpipe (#2628 笙) ショウ … Parts: 竹 , 生 … Similars: 笛 flute (#1111 笛), 笙 Chinese panpipe (#2628 笙) … Story: The decline of the morals of Pandas in China in shocking: Chinese Crackpipes, and Draft Beer. The despair of life in cages, mebbe.