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On-Yomi: テキ — Kun-Yomi: ふえ
Koohii stories:
1) [RoboTact] 7-4-2007(186): Flute is made of bamboo sprout.
2) [Django] 25-12-2008(126): You pick up your bamboo flute, and recoil in shock as out comes not the dulcet melody you had hoped to play, but rather a Brussels sprout! You play again, and again a Brussels sprout. A bamboo flute that plays sprouts! Fabulous! Puts that golden egg laying goose in its place.
3) [tummai] 21-5-2008(77): Bamboo shoots… make good flutes.
4) [Immacolata] 19-2-2006(18): Our japanese Pied Piper plays his magic flute to make the bamboo sprouts grow quicker up, so that he can cut them and craft himself a proper shakuhachi flute.
5) [desmidus] 27-2-2008(14): The troublesome boy used his bamboo flute in music class as a projectile weapon, firing brussel sprouts at various unsuspecting girls as well as the teacher.