
On-Yomi: ソウ — Kun-Yomi: はこ

Koohii stories:

1) [Nukemarine] 28-8-2007(330): The best kind of BOX is made from BAMBOO sticks that are INTER-laced to make it air tight. Just picture such a box and you've mastered this kanji.

2) [fuaburisu] 15-8-2006(74): I think of a box made of inter-locking of bamboo strips.

3) [cornrow] 22-11-2008(50): Stick your bamboo in her box to have inter-.

4) [ruuku35] 3-3-2007(13): BAMBOO that INTER- locks makes a BOX. (thanks to Fuaburisu).

5) [jameserb] 3-5-2008(9): Bamboo interwoven, makes a nice box.