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On-Yomi: ロウ、ル — Kun-Yomi: かご、こ.める、こも.る、こ.む
Koohii stories:
1) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(39): The only cage that can keep a dragon is made of bamboo.
2) [cb4960] 22-1-2009(24): A bamboo cage won't hold a dragon!
3) [thecite] 9-12-2009(12): A bamboo cage has a 50% chance of containing a dragon (thanks Mantixen and cb4960) I should add that this is yet another example of Heisig choosing a less used simplification. 籠 is more common.
4) [kapalama] 19-9-2011(5): 立て篭る =立て籠る, 印籠 =印篭cage (#2638 篭)ロウ, かご, こもる … Parts: 竹 , 竜 /龍 ( 印籠 cage [old] (#3028 籠), 龍安寺 dragon [old] (#2981 龍) … Note: When かご is written in Kanji, it can use simple form 篭 . The verb (たって)こもる uses the old form of Dragon. Probably better to learn 龍 dragon [old] (#2981 龍) and then get used to seeing either the old or new form of dragon in any Kanji using it as a part, rather than trying to remember one or the other. This is true for all Kanji using dragon 滝 -瀧 etc.
5) [dominikun] 17-1-2011(3): German: Ein Käfig aus brennbaren Bambus taugt wohl nicht so recht um einen Drachen - egal ob alt oder jung - einzufangen oder gar gefangen zu halten. Um seine Laune zu verschlechtern, taugt der Käfig wohl aber doch…