


Koohii stories:

1) [fuaburisu] 19-1-2006(213): Note : the keyword is not a verb, think of a record book. This acupuncturist who uses bamboo in place of flowers to dilute water into his patients (see frame 227), managed somehow to appear on the register of acupuncturists. Chances are, he won't stay on the register for long. My image is close to that of gorgon's story.

2) [gorgon] 29-1-2006(106): This doctor dilutes (see 227) his patients with bamboo stalks rather than the flowers of a standard diluting acupuncturist hence he needs to be on the Bamboo Accumpunturist Diltuers (BAD) register. Pumping that much water into a body can be dangerous; see the huge bamboo stems with gallons of water sloshing in and out of the patient.

3) [pmbeddall] 20-11-2007(25): The acupuncturist was not very good. His bamboo needles made his patients cry copious amounts of water. He was put on a register of doctors to avoid.

4) [dihutenosa] 5-9-2007(16): After diluting your bad humours with flowers in Frame 217, the acupuncturist pulls out a bamboo slab and asks you to sign the register, including your e-mail address, so that you can receive periodic updates on special promotions and also read his blog.

5) [chibimizuno] 16-9-2009(14): The keyword refers to register as in an expense book. I imagine a wealthy housewife writing up her elaborate and unnecessary expenses in her register notebook: fancy bamboo flatware, sparkling water, her weekly trip to the acupuncturist, and so on…