unhulled rice
On-Yomi: 0
Koohii stories:
1) [mantixen] 16-2-2007(32): Unhulled rice still needs a blade taken to it.
2) [chibimizuno] 8-8-2009(8): What's all this unhulled rice still doing here? You were supposed to hull this yesterday! Pick up that blade and get to work immediately!
3) [Megaqwerty] 29-6-2007(2): Rice that has been through the blade is most thoroughly unhulled rice, as it lacks the hull.
4) [paasan] 25-7-2010(1): In the small world of rice, they're fighting an epic battle against a monster blade. "It breached our hull, Sir!". "We must flank it now, or we will become unhulled rice, Sir!". "All rice on an all-out attack, now!".
5) [Sebastian] 29-6-2011(): [ESPAÑOL] Alguien está a punto de descascarar un montón de ARROZ CON CÁSCARA con una espada. El trazo extra es la línea cinética de la espada que se dirige a toda velocidad hacia el arroz para descascararlo.