
On-Yomi: 0

Koohii stories:

1) [timcampbell] 22-1-2009(30): If you mark each meter with a grain of rice, after 1,000 grains of rice you have measured out a kilometre.

2) [mantixen] 17-2-2007(7): A kilometer is made of one thousand meters.

3) [to_nihon] 5-4-2009(6): It seems that in America they've tried a thousand times to get us to go to kilometers, but we love our miles!

4) [kapalama] 21-3-2011(2): 粁 , ㌖, km., kilometer (#2946 粁) キロメートル … Parts: 米 , 千 , … Story: 1000 American units. is a Kilometer. (not that we use them but everything foreign is American to many Japanese anyway.).

5) [errtu] 28-9-2010(2): It is funny how no one rates the stories anymore, so far into the kanji. we are all in a rush to finish it off :P.