
On-Yomi: フン — Kun-Yomi: まぎ.れる、-まぎ.れ、まぎ.らす、まぎ.らわす、まぎ.らわしい

Koohii stories:

1) [timcampbell] 9-1-2008(207): Spiderman got distracted when someone yelled, "Spiderman, wait a minute." He turned around and flew into a building. ("part" also means "minute").

2) [Katsuo] 1-11-2007(121): Due to the distractions of being a super-hero, spiderman can only work part-time. (variation on ayoung24's story).

3) [PepeSeco] 1-11-2006(65): Distract = to lose the thread of thought in part, i.e. not completely.

4) [Angrybeez] 4-9-2011(37): Spiderman gets distracted as Wonderwoman parts her legs next to him.

5) [ayoung24] 26-10-2007(31): Spiderman is fired from his part-time job for being constantly distracted by his super-hero duties.