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On-Yomi: シ — Kun-Yomi: むらさき
Koohii stories:
1) [jaresty] 14-11-2007(140): Venom starts to choke on a spoon. He's about to get it out, when you manage to stop the spoon from getting out, so he turns purple, as he chokes, and dies.
2) [cjon256] 1-5-2009(75): Why is your ass purple? Well, I stopped and sat for a bit on a pile of thread… (I guess it was freshly dyed).
3) [Thora] 12-3-2008(46): Stop sitting for so long - or else you'll get those purple threads (veins) on your legs from bad circulation. [link purple with those huge purple, bulging, crawling, worm-like varicose veins …..].
4) [Transtic] 19-8-2010(36): If you use Venom for the lower primitive, this kanji is a piece of cake. The upper primitive is the left part of feminine/female (#563 雌). So, PURPLE is the color of Agony, the female offspring of Venom http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hmOfolKlLFI/SN1l3LqagTI/AAAAAAAAA1Q/7tEpxy-Bfu0/s1600-h/agony.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agony_%28comics%29.
5) [thomasritz] 8-9-2009(23): Stop spooning spiderpig. He's turning purple!