

Koohii stories:

1) [adrianbarritt] 14-1-2008(33): Quiet!!!! The city walls have ears he exclaimed.

2) [kanjiknight] 12-1-2010(14): The city walls have ears!? Did you say that with an exclamation or question mark?

3) [herman] 4-12-2008(5): This really means "question mark" so I assume Heisig was referring to an exclamation mark rather than some sort of verbal outburst. The RTKIII keywords are truly atrocious…I sort of picture the primitive on the right as resembling a question mark, so the kanji looks to me like a cartoonish ear straining to listen with a question mark next to it.

4) [mantixen] 26-7-2009(3): Spies press their ears against the city walls hoping to hear something audible, like an exclamation.

5) [kapalama] 25-10-2010(2): 耶蘇 , 耶蘇基督 , 摩耶* , 耶嬢 exclamation (#2680 耶) ヤ … Parts: 耳 , .阝 … Note: Phonetic Ya. … Story: Phonetic YA is an Exclamation. and an interesting name. And you can yell it as loud as you like because Mr. Burns has lost most of the use of his Ears. In fact a conversation with Mr Burns is likely to consist of him cupping his Ear and you Exclaiming as loud as you can. So sing Hey Ya! as loud as you want.