
On-Yomi: バク

Koohii stories:

1) [aircawn] 21-9-2007(103): "Thou shalt not kill", 'cause the graveyard is full. There's no room left to dispose of the evidence!

2) [kapalama] 15-8-2010(10): 莫大 shalt (#2105 莫)バク Graveyard Primitive RTK#228.9 … Parts:艹, 日 , 大 … Note: Heisig got this backwards. It is shalt not. But it is an unused Kanji anyway, so..It means the same thing as 勿 not (#1049 勿). … Story: Thou Shalt not argue with RTK keywords, or angry mobs will put you in Graveyards … 熟語 : 莫逆 , 落莫 , … cf: 慕う , 幕府 , 漢字 .

3) [Machine_Gun_Cat] 6-7-2009(7): Thou shalt not stick sun flowers up the ass of the dog.

4) [ikmys] 17-4-2007(4): Ever notice how all of the tombstones in a graveyard LOOK like the 10 Commandments? "Though shalt not this 'n that" Scary stuff, which is why I shalt not visit there again!

5) [sabretou] 14-9-2011(2): RPG Signboard: Thou shalt not partake of the まな reserves left over from dead wizards in this graveyard!