
On-Yomi: ショ

Koohii stories:

1) [Megaqwerty] 18-6-2007(19): The signature flower of Ireland: the yam! Speaking of which, how are yams different from potatoes?

2) [mantixen] 24-7-2009(13): A yam has a signature flower that differentiates it from a sweet potato.

3) [adrianbarritt] 19-1-2008(4): Gordon Ramsey's signature dish is yam soup with flowers sprinkled on top.

4) [kapalama] 1-11-2010(3): 甘薯 , 薯童謡 , 薯童説話 , yam (#2365 薯) ショ( 署 ), いも … Parts:艹, 署 signature (#1259 署) (cf 曙 dawn (#2448 曙), 夢 dream (#305 夢)) … note: Sweet Potato is written with any of these: 芋 potato (#1655 芋), 薯 yam (#2365 薯), 藷 sweet potato (#2402 藷), 蕷. No reason other than RTK testing to know one from another. … Story:The Signature Plant of Southern Japan is the Sweet Potato, and this is the old Chinese way of writing it.

5) [Meconium] 5-1-2010(3): The famous 紫薯 (purple sweet potato) farmer guarantees his product by signing his name on every yam he sells. Beside his signature, he draws a little flower, because he thinks it's cute. Note: stroke number should be 16 as in the book, not 17.