
On-Yomi: ショク

Koohii stories:

1) [Katsuo] 18-6-2008(36): To enjoy watching the eclipse, you go on a picnic with your friends. But due to the dim light, you accidentally pick up and eat an insect.

2) [mantixen] 29-7-2009(11): You eat an insect by accident while watching the jaw-dropping eclipse.

3) [Green_Airplane] 17-5-2010(5): Eclipse is an IDE that allows you to eat away at the bugs efficiently.

4) [sabretou] 21-10-2011(4): I'd rather eat insects than watch Twilight: Eclipse.

5) [woelpad] 16-7-2008(2): Insects craft rainbows (rainbow (#520 虹)). But that makes them quite hungry, so they start eating the big lights in the sky (the sun, the moon), which the ignorant humans down there explain as an eclipse.