parts of speech


Koohii stories:

1) [dingomick] 26-4-2007(206): The big mouthed diretor is even picky about the parts of speech you use, shouting, "More verbs! Less adjectives!" and such all the time.

2) [synewave] 4-12-2006(49): A Grammar is basically a word director that tells us what part of speech each word is.

3) [fergal] 11-10-2009(24): This kanji is the ending of lots of parts of speech like noun, verb, adverb: 名詞 , 動詞 , 動詞 . People are messing around with parts of speech all the time now. Company directors are the worst, making up new words by verbing nouns and nouning verbs. "please action that", "what is the take-home from that?".

4) [LazyNomad] 19-7-2009(9): This director speaks very fast. So fast that you can understand only parts of his speech (some of the words). To make it even more memorable, imagine that this director speaks in Japanese and you are his interpreter. All you can understand at your current level is only parts of speech. You think to yourself: "Probably this word was a noun and that word was a verb, but what the hell is he speaking about?".

5) [dihutenosa] 4-1-2008(9): A lot of the keywords in this book are a little difficult to figure out because you don't know the actual part of speech. Imagine a new edition with a friendly, chubby little Alfred Hitchcock holding a sign up telling you exactly which part of speech each word is.