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On-Yomi: チョウ — Kun-Yomi: しら.べる、しら.べ、ととの.う、ととの.える
Koohii stories:
1) [ihatobu] 7-2-2009(220): To tune an old-fashioned radio, you turn the dial the full range of the circumference, until you can clearly hear what's being said.
2) [canji] 24-8-2008(127): words + circumference The most catchy tunes are words the go round and round the circuference of your head and you can't get it out of your mind.
3) [dwhitman] 9-10-2007(40): The words to this catchy tune run around the circumference of my head.
4) [noname] 14-6-2008(36): This kanji also means "to investigate, check up, to search." STORY: You ever get a TUNE stuck in your head that someone was SPEAKING earlier in the day? It runs LAPS around your head and you cannot get relief until you 調べる the song online, download it, and listen t it.
5) [shadolite] 18-2-2008(35): This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends! Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends… The words go around in a lap in this tune, in case you didn't notice…