
On-Yomi: ゲン

Koohii stories:

1) [abaddon] 1-6-2008(17): Words, lad: The lad keeping watch at the cliff came running to town and began pouring out words. Leader: "What? I don't understand a word you're saying. Oh yeah, now I remember… you're the lad who speaks in proverbs.".

2) [mantixen] 28-7-2009(10): As a lad you're taught the words of many proverbs.

3) [synewave] 30-10-2007(2): Socrates tells his lad student the proverb "If you don't do your homework, you will get bummed!".

4) [blannk] 30-10-2009(1): A Japanese proverb has it that the lad who stands long enough on a cliff overlooking the shapes below will never be at a loss for words later in life.

5) [ikmys] 25-7-2007(1): The proverb of the lad who stood on the cliff and cared too much about the shape of his 'doo has meaning, so listen, carefully, to the words.