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On-Yomi: フ — Kun-Yomi: ま.ける、ま.かす、お.う
Koohii stories:
1) [stereovibe] 23-1-2008(219): Tied up, the shellfish had to accept defeat!
2) [koldbein] 17-2-2009(29): The shellfish admitted defeat when they placed a hook on top of his head.
3) [shadolite] 25-12-2007(17): Defeat is defined by a shellfish in binds.
4) [cyberclops] 14-1-2010(11): A shellfish bound up in a fisherman's net has been defeated.
5) [Dualta] 18-12-2007(9): If you are DEFEATED you are BOUND into slavery and the world will not be your OYSTER.