
On-Yomi: セイ

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 16-2-2007(106): You get money from the generation above you.

2) [vashbandy] 6-12-2009(18): You get the generation above you to give you money. (note: I've modified the keyword a bit after having just read "Making Sense of Japanese" because it's important to me to integrate into もらう the idea that getting in this sense is to get someone else to give it to you.

3) [kapalama] 1-11-2010(4): 貰う , 貰い手 , 貰い物 , 貰い泣き (Cry in Sympathy), 貰い火 (catch fire from next door)get (#2737 貰) もらう … Parts: 世 , 貝 … Story: The Kanji makes a point that the keyword does not. In Japanese, the distinction between coming into possesion and someone giving you something is strong. This Kanji uses Generation to indicate that this is not just Getting money, but Getting someone to give you some Money.

4) [ikmys] 26-7-2007(4): GETS! c2003 Sakano Dandy is easily one of the stupidest fads that ever hit Japan. I guess it a generational thing, cuz I still don't gets it. I am sure he managed to gets a lot of money while he was at it though.

5) [Megaqwerty] 16-7-2007(2): After those calms go through the family tree for generations for years on end, I finally get it!