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post a bill
On-Yomi: テン、チョウ — Kun-Yomi: は.る、つ.く
Koohii stories:
1) [herman] 12-11-2008(43): Fortune teller writes your fortune on a piece of paper and tells you to affix it to a shell and throw into the ocean for it to come true. Picture licking the back of the shell like a stamp and affixing it to the fortune.
2) [CasualTatsumaki] 7-5-2010(25): To prevent confusion with affixed (#1303 附) I changed this to "paste (v.)" or "cut and paste" because it is the character for pasting in a PC and in graphic design. Careful paste (#2650 糊) Story: You pay money and the fortune teller cuts and pastes a good fortune and prints it out for you on his notebook PC. 切り貼り きりはり cut and paste, 貼る はる to stick/to paste, 貼付け はりつけ (computer file) paste.
3) [ikmys] 26-7-2007(21): I gots a fix for your current bad luck: just pass some extra clams over to the fortune teller, and they will make sure you have a very bright fate instore.
4) [kanjihito] 19-1-2013(19): To make cash (clams) the gypsy affixed a note / posted a bill to a billboard advertising her fortune telling services (contrast with put up (a notice) (#673 掲)).
5) [FoxintheStars] 8-8-2010(10): (in the new RTK1 supplement as post a bill) Under the Sea, clams are used for clips to hang papers, so The Little Mermaid found the Sea Witch after seeing a posted bill affixed in a clam advertising fortune-telling.