
On-Yomi: テン — Kun-Yomi: ころ.がる、ころ.げる、ころ.がす、ころ.ぶ、まろ.ぶ、うたた、うつ.る、くる.めく

Koohii stories:

1) [johnzep] 5-3-2007(153): The REVOLVING wheels of the car (with REVOLVER blaring on the stereo) kicked up RISING CLOUDS of dust.

2) [komodo] 20-6-2008(125): Just a note to remember the cloud primative: The name of Goku's pet cloud that he used to help him rise (fly) in the Dragonball anime series (and also the scientific name for a certain type of cloud) is Nimbus [ ]. The katakana-ization of this is ニムバス, so the rising cloud primative is just an abbreviation of that name written from top to bottom in the old Japanese style.

3) [SammyB] 24-12-2008(62): Burnout! As the car's wheels revolve the rubber burns making a rising cloud of smoke!

4) [darg_sama] 10-11-2005(15): You could just think of someone smoking their tires before taking off. They're staying in one place, but the wheels of the car keep revolving round and round as a cloud of burnt rubber rise from them. To keep distinct from rotation (1046), think of rpms (revolutions per minute).

5) [philiphoward123] 16-6-2009(11): The car's wheels revolve, sending up a rising cloud of dust.