

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(49): Due to potatoes in the road, there was a detour.

2) [gavmck] 6-3-2010(15): A truck had spilt its load of potatoes on the road, forcing us to make a detour.

3) [Meconium] 26-7-2010(2): When you're on the road to Sydney, take a detour via Robertson, NSW, to see the Big Potato (affectionately known as the Big Turd).

4) [ghinzdra] 6-4-2009(1): Now and then due to the CommonAgriculturePolicy issue farmers go on a demonstration throwing away their POTATOES to block ROADS …. a piece of advice : just take a detour before meeting them…your tires will be thankful… exemple :Berserk vol 04 : そのためには川沿いに迂回しやつらの背後から奇襲を仕掛ける .

5) [kapalama] 11-3-2011(): 迂回 , 迂遠 , 迂愚 , 迂闊 , detour (#2415 迂) ウ( 宇 ) … Parts:于, 辶 (cf: 芋 potato (#1655 芋), 宇宙 eaves (#1656 宇), 逗留 standstill (#2423 逗)) … Story: It's not potatoes just randomly spilled in the road, it's the traveling hot Potato vendors that are clogging the Road so much that they are forcing Detours all over Kagoshima (home of 芋焼酎 ) (Beans in the road however bring things to a complete 逗留 standstill (#2423 逗)).