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home country
On-Yomi: ホウ — Kun-Yomi: くに
Koohii stories:
1) [Copycatken] 28-6-2006(178): He reminisced about his home country: "Ah, back in my home country, the bushes grew so high that they covered the city walls!".
2) [CountPacula] 8-8-2008(91): In -my- home country, we'd like to put up walls to keep Bush -OUT-, thank you very much.
3) [Nukemarine] 5-8-2008(38): It's easier if you think of the USA as the HOME COUNTRY. To the northern border you have it protected by BUSHES, while to south you have it protected by CITY WALLS (or a 800 mile long fence).
4) [QuackingShoe] 22-7-2008(30): In my home country, all we had for city walls was bushes!.
5) [violetize] 7-8-2009(22): (primitive: city walls = slum. See residence (#1841 邸) - thanks scotty28) A nostalgic immigrant to the slums reminisces: "In the home country, we were surrounded by pretty bushes, not ugly slums".