strong saké

On-Yomi: ジュン

Koohii stories:

1) [abaddon] 1-6-2008(28): Whiskey bottle, receive: When you receive a bottle of whiskey from a Japanese person, large chance it is strong saké. It seems that giving 'sissy' saké is considered impolite.

2) [blannk] 30-10-2009(4): Now we know why the tall child is so 諄 polite (#2706 諄) & 惇 considerate (#2279 惇): the effect of the the strong saké. He receives it at cost in the 廓 licensed quarters (#2235 廓) he set up in the cave, of course.

3) [chibimizuno] 10-8-2009(3): I asked for whiskey, but I received strong sake. I guess it'll do.

4) [kusterdu] 1-2-2012(1): I asked for a bottle of whiskey for Christmas but received a bottle full of strong sake. After a few sips, I was naked and swinging from the Christmas tree.

5) [kapalama] 20-7-2010(1): 芳醇な strong saké (#2751 醇)ジュン, シュン, Names: あつ, あつし … Parts: 酉 , 享 … Story: We put the Strong Sake on the top shelf to keep it away from the kids, but one really Tall Child managed to reach it, and we ended up with a bunch of drunk fourth graders. Surprisingly, drunk fourth graders are mellower than most drunk teens. … 熟語 : 醇朴 , … cf: 諄 polite (#2706 諄), 敦 empathetic (#2931 敦), 淳 immaculate (#2318 淳), 惇 considerate (#2279 惇), 醇 strong saké (#2751 醇).