
On-Yomi: コウ

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 16-2-2007(21): A button is metal that requires an opening in order to function.

2) [Katsuo] 21-4-2009(12): A shirt in the clothes shop has buttons of solid gold, so you bite them off and try to smuggle them out hidden in your mouth. (Note: Main use of 釦 is for clothing, although katakana ボタン is more common.).

3) [cameron_en] 29-11-2008(6): Once you can get the metal button through the mouth, it's fastened.

4) [hknamida] 21-1-2008(4): To stop people from stealing your precious metal buttons, you keep them in your mouth. Alas, they're made of lead, and you die. :-(.

5) [herman] 17-5-2009(2): The kanji is supposedly only used for push-buttons, not clothing kind which are just ボタン. So I picture an elaborately designed doorbell button inside the mouth of a metal lion attached to the side of the door.