shop [alternate]


Koohii stories:

1) [cameron_en] 3-12-2008(20): At an alternative shop you can buy strange items like metal dogtags from wars, active grenades, torture sets, etc.

2) [blannk] 8-12-2009(7): Understandable that the alternate shop is more successful than the regular 舗 shop (#1839 舗): trendy metal motif instead of that dingy cottage look.

3) [mantixen] 2-8-2009(2): An alternate type of shop installs metal upgrades to your Segway like chrome rims and spinners.

4) [Megaqwerty] 30-9-2007(2): In the cottage, you give them gold, they give you dogtags.

5) [koohiikun] 17-3-2011(1): The shop [alternate] was sold for gold by the offspring since they had the other one anyway.