
On-Yomi: ショウ — Kun-Yomi: かね

Koohii stories:

1) [pageturner1988] 24-9-2007(303): The METAL bell rings to call the JUVENILES to class.

2) [LouiseD] 5-12-2009(29): The golden moment for juveniles is when the bell rings at school.

3) [zardoz73] 4-8-2008(27): The METAL bell rings to call the JUVENILES to COMPUTER class.

4) [CSBarnes] 14-12-2008(13): Remember that show, Saved by the Bell? It had a bunch of juveniles in it, and in one episode they actually tried stealing the bell because it was made of gold!

5) [matt_jenkins] 29-3-2008(11): What metal object would a juvenile delinquent be forced to carry around? Why, the little BELL locked on his ankle to warn people he's coming.