
On-Yomi: カク

Koohii stories:

1) [fuaburisu] 18-1-2007(150): To keep this distinct from other kanji such as "watchtower" and "pagoda", I use the mnemonic "towering tower". – In some old 8-bit kung-fu videogame, with a plot similar as Bruce Lee's last, unfinished movie, the hero must break through a gate at each level of the towering tower, fighting with opponents using various styles of kung-fu until he meets the finale at the topmost level of the "towering tower".

2) [Proxx] 27-11-2007(65): Remember the two towers from lord of the rings… each has it's own - very difficult to master - entrance gate.

3) [mantixen] 9-7-2009(49): Each lesbian waits for her turn with "the tower".

4) [walexander5] 6-9-2008(44): There is a tower on each side of the gate, they are posts for archers.

5) [kumakuma] 15-7-2008(18): Since tower confuses me too much with other Kanji, I will use (political) CABINET instead, where this Kanji is frequently used. The CABINET decides that EACH GATE of a saloon has to have a sign saying that you have to be an adult to be allowed to drink there.