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On-Yomi: カン — Kun-Yomi: から、いげた
Koohii stories:
1) [Johnnyltn] 21-9-2006(174): There's a young Korean male actor, Yon-sama, famous amongst middle-aged Japanese women. Extremely famous. Read about his affect on Japan/Korean relations on Everything2.com. In any case, women just flipped over this guy, traveled to Korea to see his home, started taking Korean language classes, etc. So, imagine here the misty eyes of the Japanese women as they clutch their lockets with Yon-sama's picture inside watching his Korean romantic mini series called "Winter Sonata".
2) [mcfate] 27-9-2007(113): This character represents the flag of South Korea: a locket (circular taegeuk) in the middle of the mist (white background). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Korea.
3) [inuki] 2-11-2006(48): Kim Jong II gets all misty eyed when he looks at the locket of his departed mother; I’m rone-ry, so rone-ry (from team America).
4) [fuaburisu] 8-4-2006(29): The Korean army is wearing "mist lockets". When the lockets are opened, a mist spreads about a meter over the floor level, which allows the Koreans to advance without being seen.
5) [notgoing2argue] 31-8-2007(11): I bomb Korea every night, then I send them 10 sunflowers and a locket to apologize the next morning.