bean jam
On-Yomi: マン
Koohii stories:
1) [Katsuo] 20-1-2008(19): A bit of old food is stuck on one of my mandalas. What could it be? I scrape it off and taste it . . . Hmm, bean jam, I reckon.
2) [mantixen] 2-8-2009(9): Steamed bean jam dumplings were invented as a form of Chinese take-out that could be eaten while meditating on a mandala (thanks dihutenosa).
3) [abaddon] 15-6-2008(6): Old food, Mandela: During his imprisonment, Mandela was only given old food. Once per year, they gave him a treat: fresh bean jam. After this, you shouldn't visit Mandela's cell: to stinky! Old food primitive: (meeting, day, staples: The meeting took all day, do when we got out to have our dinner, only old food and the staples of the dinnerboxes were left. My colleagues are such gluttons!
4) [CasualTatsumaki] 9-2-2011(2): Sounds like the name of a hippie jam band, eating hash manju and staring at a mandala. 肉饅頭 [にくまんじゅう] manju (steamed bun) with meat filling.
5) [dihutenosa] 16-8-2008(2): For me, the old food thing on the right just makes me think of the traditional Chinese version - so it's gonna be a Chinese take-out box. [+abaddon] When Mandela was in prison, he was routinely starved and forced to go without food. Luckily, one of the guards took pity on him and would always give him the part of his lunch that he couldn't stand eating anyway - the little bean jam portion that came in the take-out box with his Panda Express meal.