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On-Yomi: コウ、キョウ — Kun-Yomi: か、かお.り、かお.る
Koohii stories:
1) [rptb1] 11-11-2005(220): If you focus the suns though a magnifying glass on to the bottom of a stalk of wheat it will start to smoulder and burn like a stick of incense. The weird thing is that it burns from the bottom upwards, hanging in the air as if my magic. Try it and see!
2) [Alucard] 8-12-2006(112): When the sun burns the wheat a smell of incense remains in the air.
3) [Filip] 20-1-2008(52): If we would throw a huge amount of wheat on top of the sun, would it become a galactic incense? Maybe then aliens wouls come more often, enjoying the incense.
4) [Virtua_Leaf] 1-12-2007(15): When the Sun goes down, the pagans light their wheat, producing a natural incense, to honour the Sun God.
5) [Danieru] 29-6-2008(8): Incense is commonly used in worship and at shrines in Japan. On sun( 日 )days( 日 ), many people used to go to their shrine of choice, probably that of the SUN goddess Amaterasu, and place a small gift of incense and wheat at the foot of the shrine, wishing for a profitable harvest.