
On-Yomi: ケイ

Koohii stories:

1) [abaddon] 8-6-2008(15): Voice, missile, incense: Before they were going to launch the missile, they were having a service to beg favor of the Gods. Then, when they lit the incense, a booming voice came out of nowhere: "Hmmm… this smell is great, no, ambrosial. Really worthy of the Gods…".

2) [Cheesemaster64] 9-8-2010(11): Voice missle! The new gum that is guaranteed to give you ambrosial incense-like breath!

3) [cameron_en] 3-12-2008(6): An army personell lit what he thought was an amrosial and frangrant stick of incense but when he realised he'd just triggered the launch of a missile a loud voice came screaming "NOOOO!!!!!".

4) [blannk] 5-12-2009(3): [+abaddon] An ambrosial voice, like a missile from the Gods, said: 'That incense is positively ambrosial'.

5) [CasualTatsumaki] 1-10-2010(2): Note: The meaning of this kanji is sweet fragrance or jasmine. Careful 薫 fragrant (#1681 薫), 芳 perfume (#493 芳), 匂 aroma (#2147 匂), 臭 stinking (#122 臭), 嗅 smell /study/kanji/21957 (#21957 嗅), 茉 jasmine (#2348 茉). Story: Her sexy voice made me feel like a missile was getting ready to launch as I smelled her ambrosial incense-like fragrance.