
On-Yomi: ギョ — Kun-Yomi: うお、さかな、-ざかな

Koohii stories:

1) [silkcherryblossoms] 10-6-2007(106): The elements of this kanji are bound up, rice field and cooking fire. When I think of bound up cooked rice, it makes me think of sushi, which in turn brings to mind fish.

2) [tomusan] 12-2-2008(56): Bind that FISH and cook his brains! Yarhh!

3) [Christine_Tham] 30-7-2007(42): That fish was caught, BOUND UP, then carried across RICE FIELDS, and finally cooked over an OVEN FIRE.

4) [DavidZ] 20-9-2010(18): Think of (cooked) salmon onigiri. The fish is bound up in rice and cooked over a fire… 魚 [さかな] 、金魚 [きんぎょ] 、魚市場 [おういちば].

5) [Keiran_Halcyon] 9-7-2009(9): I like my fish bound with rice over a nice fire. Sushi!!