sweet smelt

On-Yomi: デン

Koohii stories:

1) [Katsuo] 26-1-2009(51): A fish arrives at the fortune-teller's who, without looking, says "Welcome, Sweet Smelt". "That's amazing", says the fish, "how did you know I was a sweet smelt?" "Well, most fish smell bad, but you smelt sweet.".

2) [gavmck] 13-3-2010(4): The fortune teller turned to me smiling, "Ah you (アユ) will do well. I can sense the sweet smell of success. And what better way to celebrate than with that sweetest of fish the sweet smelt!".

3) [kapalama] 20-3-2011(1): 稚鮎 , 鮎並 =鮎並女, 名 : 鮎川 sweet smelt (#2817 鮎)あゆ … Parts: 魚 , 占 … Katsuo remix: A fish arrives at the fortune-teller's who, without looking, says "Welcome, Sweet Smelt". "That's amazing", asked a bystander, "how did you know he was a sweet smelt?" "Well, most fish smell bad, but AYU fish smelt sweet.".

4) [CasualTatsumaki] 8-3-2010(1): These are the small fish that are commonly served on wooden skewers at matsuri. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A6 Go to the matsuri, eat some barbequed ayu, then visit the fortune teller with greasy hands to get your palm read.

5) [richcoop] 2-8-2009(1): Sweet smelt is FISH that is smelt by the FORTUNE TELLER.