

Koohii stories:

1) [Neobeo] 22-1-2009(15): The crucian fish adheres strongly to Crucianism principles.

2) [Megaqwerty] 18-7-2007(11): Due to its oxygenating properties, it is crucial that you adhere to a crucian fish if you plan on spending a long time underwater.

3) [abaddon] 5-6-2008(7): Fish, adhere: It's crucial that you don't catch any crucian carp anymore. If we don't adhere to this rule, the fish will probably be extinct next year.

4) [gavmck] 28-3-2010(6): Crucian carp (ふな) is a freshwater fish most well known for its use in 鮒鮓 (ふなずし) which is an ancient forerunner to modern sushi.The fish is salted and allowed to ferment over a period of months. STORY: The crucian chefs prepare the fish for funazushi by adhering to the ancient ways. Note: This old way of preserving fish, known generally as なれずし ( 馴れ鮓 or 熟れ鮓 ), uses a rare kanji for すし - Unicode-0x9b93 (#39827 鮓) 鮓.

5) [mantixen] 16-2-2007(3): The crucian is a fish you can adhere to yourself due to the fact that it can live more than 5 months without oxygen.