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On-Yomi: チョウ、テイ、チン、トウ、チ — Kun-Yomi: ひのと
Koohii stories:
1) [steves] 10-10-2007(167): Today, the program "Sesame Street" is brought to you by the letter "T".
2) [yoshi_features] 5-4-2008(82): Two streets make a T-intersection.
3) [sethimayne] 24-9-2007(22): Any street with nails on it had best be avoided.
4) [Daffydus] 3-6-2009(16): The street sign is nailed with a spike.
5) [rakutenka] 2-7-2007(14): The word on the street is, "Mr. T is a bad-ass!".